Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bed Bugs Infiltrate Dorm Rooms Across The Country

The new school year has begun and the fear that bed bugs will sneak their way into your dorm room this year is growing. A lot has changed since the bed bug epidemic started a few years ago with the heavy media coverage leading the way for these changes. People are more aware of the possibility of getting bed bugs and they are aware of how hard it is to get rid of them once you do get them. Aide from the army of college students who fear these bugs, parents are also loosing sleep over this issue. Why? Have you forgotten about winter and spring break. Those kids have to come home and the old days of dropping off a bag of laundry to mom is long gone. It's a strong possibility that you will be dropping off alot more than laundry in these bags. Bed bugs are notorious hitch hikers and can easily hitch a ride to mom and dads house on the boxes and bags that are taken back a forth to college each year.

Why are bed bugs so successful in dorms? Mostly because of the common pipes and wires that run along these rooms. Another reason is the back and forth nature of friends in the dorms. Once one room has an issue, the possibility of the neighboring units to get bed bugs is very high. The worst part is that many times the student doesn't know he or she has bed bugs because the bugs and bug bites can be mistaken for other problems and not bed bugs. This allows the bed bugs to breed and become a more established infestation. The bugs then settle into the cracks and crevices or you beds, every fold and button of the mattress, in the nooks of the furniture, the flaps of your book bags. Bed bug are extremely resourceful and opportunistic, they spread like wildflowers, and reek havoc and misery for many. Not to scare you too much, but as the nursery rhyme goes, "Sleep Tight...Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite."

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